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Open words and legal information

I am happy to support you with my knowledge and skills on your personal path of further development.

My approach is interdisciplinary and so I also work with doctors and therapists, because sometimes we need support from a wide range of areas. There is not one, but individually different paths to recovery, vitality and personal fulfillment.


And so I would like to draw your attention to the following:

My advice and energetic healing treatments do not replace therapy. I do not make any medical or psychotherapeutic diagnoses.

My advice and treatment does not replace a doctor, alternative practitioner or psychotherapist. It is also not appropriate to discontinue medication without consulting your doctor or to interrupt treatment.

As a client, you assume full personal responsibility. You can read further informations in my terms and conditions.


In Germany spiritual healing or energetic healing is called without a medical practitioner license. (BVerfG Az 1 BvR 784/03). I work within this framework in my work. I expressly make no promise of healing, nor promise of relief from complaints.

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